Monday, October 24, 2011

The Cry it out Method

So I'm sure all of you parents have heard of the "Cry it out" method for getting your child to sleep. This is usually suggested when your child is no younger than six months. I didn't do this with Olivia, it was hard for me. I felt the desire to run in and pick up my crying baby and cuddle them in my arms. But this time with Matthew I have been determined to give it a real try. We have been using this method for a few weeks now and wow!!! It really works!!! 

So here it is, our cry it out routine.. 

Create a bedtime routine that works for your family. For Matthew he needs a bath every day with his helmet. So we'll give him his bath then his night time bottle.

Next, lie your baby down, put his blanket on, give him a kiss. Then here is the hard part.. You leave.

Here's the deal, he is going to cry.
And Cry...

And Cry.... 

Now this is the time when you are going to want to rush in and pick him up and kiss him and hold him. But resist. It's the hardest thing in the world... I know. Put a timer on the microwave for 5 minutes... 

And wait.. Do dishes, throw a load of laundry in, go get the mail, read a blog! Do whatever it takes to keep you out of the nursery for five minutes. 

Next go back in and sooth your baby, rub their stomach, talk to them in a soothing voice. Then put their blanket back on, and leave. 


This might take a few nights. I assure you it is harder on the parent than it is the baby... But before you know it, you'll be going in less and less and finally you will just lie your baby down and they will go to sleep! - This is the stage we are almost at with Matthew. Usually he'll just roll over and fall asleep which is amazing!! There were a few of the night where I physically had to leave the house to prevent myself from going to rescue Matthew, Joel was home of course!!! But it's very much worth it! Stick to it and you'll have a sleeping baby in no time!! 

Now Olivia.... That's another story .. :) 

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