Many of you know, and those of you who do not. My little guy wears a helmet.
For those of you who do not know, he has a condition called torticollis. Basically as a baby one side of his neck was very tight causing him to always lay his head on the same side.
Now as a result of laying his head on the side like this he developed what is called a plagiocephaly. Essentially a flat spot on his head.
While at our two month Well Child check up our pediatrician noticed this and referred us to a physical therapist. Matthew went every two weeks to see Miss Amy, and we did stretches to his neck about 5 times a day.
Did you know, infants are supposed to have at least 45 minutes a day of tummy time?
Even with the extra tummy time (Matthew was up to about 4 hours of tummy time a day) and stretches and PT sometimes the flat spot doesn't totally correct. So you go to the orthotist. After a few appointments you leave with a shiny new helmet!
Matthew wears his helmet for 23 hours a day. He'll have it on for about 3 months total. So if you see a little one wearing a helmet like this don't stare. Just smile!!
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